Open Space Plan
The City of Lawrence is fortunate to have a large park system providing opportunities for active and passive recreation. This system is comprised of 48 city parks (340 acres), three park units managed by the Commonwealth’s Department of Conservation and Recreation (46 acres), and three city managed cemeteries (140 acres). The management of this system is guided by the city’s Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP).
Updated every seven years, the OSRP provides an inventory and assessment of the condition of open space, natural resources, parks, and other recreation facilities. Based on this assessment as well as input from the community, a set of goals and objectives have been developed to outline a vision for the community relative to its parks and other open spaces. The OSRP also contains a Seven-Year Action Plan, which outlines specific tasks city departments and its partners will accomplish to advance the goals the community has identified.
Lawrence Open Space & Recreation Plan 2017—2024
A current OSRP allows the City to be eligible for state, federal, and non-profit funding for park land improvements and acquisition. These funding sources are allocated to communities that have undergone planning to determine how the community needs can best be met using comprehensive programs and investments to address multiple objectives.
The Open Space Plan is now updated every seven years (previously plans were for five years) and submitted to the Massachusetts Division of Conservation Services. Its purpose is to prioritize and identify the investments Lawrence makes in its parks and open spaces. The updated Open Space Plan also keeps the City eligible for receiving state grant funds for future park and recreation projects.