Donate to GWL
In giving to Groundwork Lawrence, you ensure that we continue to change places, change lives, and change systems in our community.
Thank you in advance for your contribution.
Online Donation Form
If you would like to donate by check please make it out to Groundwork Lawrence and send it to:
Al dar a Groundwork Lawrence, te aseguras de que sigamos cambiando lugares y, cambiando vidas en nuestra comunidad. Gracias de antemano por su contribución. Si desea donar con cheque, por favor hálo llegar a Groundwork Lawrence y enviarlo a:
Groundwork Lawrence
50 Island Street, Suite 101
Lawrence, MA 01840

Invest in Groundwork Lawrence and receive a 50% tax rebate on your donation!
The Community Investment Tax Credit Program (CITC) provides a 50% tax rebate for your MA taxes on donations of $1,000 or more.
For more information, please contact Megan Davis, Development and Communications Director at (978) 974-0770 ext. 7004 or at