Education Programs
Groundwork Lawrence achieves results by engaging the community it serves in its mission. Its education programs are designed to foster ownership among participants in making Lawrence a safer, healthier place to live.
Youth Programs
Through its education, community service, and job training programs for Lawrence youth, Groundwork Lawrence cultivates respect for the environment, social awareness, and healthy living habits, preparing young people to be future leaders in their community.
Green Team
The Groundwork Lawrence Green Team (GT) is a year-round program that offers part-time, paid positions for 68 Lawrence high school-aged students each year to help learn about and lead local environmental and healthy community initiatives.
The program is intended to promote the protection and restoration of Lawrence’s critical ecological systems, natural resources, and public health by engaging teens in advocacy and project-based learning efforts.
Environmental Education
Groundwork Lawrence aims to cultivate healthy habits at an early age with environmental education programming that promotes healthy eating, movement, and social awareness.
Our education team works with over 500 K-12 students in schools throughout Lawrence during the school year and additional youth through our summer programming.
Urban Adventures
Urban Adventures is a free 5-week summer youth program designed to provide children with a fun-filled summer camp-like experience within the heart of Lawrence.
The program promotes social-emotional learning, environmental stewardship, sustainability, nutrition, academic excellence, team building, creative expression, and regional exploration.
Workforce Development
Groundwork Lawrence has over 10 years of experience in environmental workforce technical training programs. From the development of programs through the recruitment and management of environmental workforce training programs, GWL continues to help residents of Lawrence and the Greater Lawrence area gain the knowledge and training needed to enter the workforce in the environmental field. As with all of our work, we put our community first by listening to their needs, engaging with them first hand, and developing programs that will allow them to gain employment and/or upskill in order to be better prepared for entry or advancement in this sector. We in partnership with other CBOs, work to increase the number of underrepresented peoples in environmental careers and help bring equity to this field.
Through various training programs, GWL has prepared trainees for careers in the following areas:
• construction,
• demolition,
• remediation,
• emergency response,
• environmental technicians,
• hazardous materials handling,
• solar panel technicians
• building maintenance technicians
• and other occupational fields that require these trainings.

For more information on workforce development programs please contact:
Luisito Rivera
Workforce Development Program Manager
Telephone: (978) 974-0770 Ext. 7023