Tombarello Site
The 14-acre Tombarello Site, located at 207 Marston Street, is the largest brownfield in the city of Lawrence. Contaminants of concern at the site includes widespread PCBs and heavy metals.
Since 2017, Groundwork has supported the city’s efforts to assess, remediate and redevelop the site. With support from the US Environmental Protection Agency and MassDevelopment, the local team has conducted extensive characterization of the site’s soil and groundwater and completed three phases of remediation.
We remain committed to ensuring the remedial controls established during the redevelopment of the property protect the health of people living near the property and ensure PCBs are not migrating off site to the Merrimack River via the Sow Brook culvert.
Tombarello Site Timeline
John C. Tombarello & Sons operated a scrap metal recycling facility at the property for 57 years.
American Recycling purchases the site from John C. Tombarello & Sons. Prior to acquisition, advances investigations revealing the presence of American Recycling indicates the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in surface soil at concentrations representing a potential Imminent Hazard condition.

First Lawrence Financial assumes control of the property as the mortgage holder when American Recycling closes. The firm conducts a Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment and Supplemental PCB Characterization documenting additional soil contaminated with PCBs.
A Lawrence resident complaint about dusty conditions and public health concerns prompts the EPA to conducted soil assessment and cleanup activities at residential properties on Hoffman Avenue. American Recycling and First Lawrence Financial are identified as Potentially Responsible Parties for contamination associated with the Tombarello Site.
First Lawrence Financial and EPA reach an Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent for Removal Actions. The firm moves about 1100 cubic yards of contaminated soil form the north property line to a soil consolidation area, which is then stabilized with loamed and seed.
City of Lawrence acquires the Tombarello Site through tax taking after three years of legal work. EPA conducts assessment work by advancing soil testing at 95 locations across the site and groundwater testing at nine locations. PCB contamination is documented throughout the site’s soils.
City of Lawrence prepares Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives and applies for EPA grants for additional site assessment ($350,000) to address data gaps and implement cleanup ($200,000) of the western portion of the site along Marston Street.
EPA conducts targeted removal and off-site disposal of 657.65 tons of soil with elevated PCB and lead concentrations on the central portion of the site.
City of Lawrence implements EPA cleanup and assessment grants. Site investigations were conducted to fill data gaps for risk characterization by characterizing the soil berms, soil piles, concrete pads, and asphalt; and delineate PCB hot spots for future cleanup. Cleanup of the western portion of the site removed 37 cubic yards of PCB contaminated soils, 37 cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soils, 16 tons of PCB contaminated asphalt.
City of Lawrence receives cleanup grant from MassDevelopment to advance cleanup of two PCB hot spots. 154 cubic yards of PCB contaminated soils were removed from the site.
City of Lawrence applies to MassDevelopment for real estate technical assistance to develop a Request for Proposals to solicit responses from the development community to remediate and redevelop the site.
Interim Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment is completed for lots 1 and 2. The primary open item is site boundary delineation and potential PCB contamination discharged to Merrimack River from the Site.
City receives Phase 2 of EPA cleanup funding and support administration of property disposition. Disposition plan is to run an RFQ process to prequalify developers with experience redeveloping PCB contaminated sites and then request developers to submit a response to an RFP.
City issues RFQ for qualified environmental professionals (QEP) advance cleanup of Tombarello Site Lots 2 and contracts with GEI.
100% plans and specifications for Phase 2 cleanup of Lot 2 are completed in June.
Community Relations and Public Involvement Plan is completed in December
Public meeting held on May 30.
In June City procures remedial services for the offsite disposal of PCB contaminated soils.
City completes Phase 2 of EPA cleanup. The project focused on partial remediation of six hot spots through the offsite disposal of over 950 tons of contaminated soils.
City prepares concept plan to guide redevelopment and declares intent to transfer property to Lawrence Redevelopment Authority.